Flat 4D, Neelambar Building, 28B, Shakespeare Sarani, Theatre Rd, Elgin, Kol-17

Causes and Solutions for Baldness among Men



Hair fall is one of the major concerns of men. Lets see what are the causes and the solutions for baldness available for men. 

Male pattern baldness, referred to as androgenic alopecia in medical terminology, is the most common cause of hair loss in men. The hair fall typically occurs around the temples or the crown of the head. As per the results of a research conducted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, more than 50 per cent of all men above the age of 50 are affected by this condition to some extent. Although, it can initiate in the teenage years too, it generally affects adult men with the likelihood directly proportional with age.

Causes of Baldness among men

The primary cause is hereditary. Research has indicated that it is associated with androgens, the male sex hormones. Androgens have many functions including promoting hair growth. Each strand of hair has a growth cycle. With androgenic alopecia, this cycle begins to weaken and the hair follicle shrinks to produce shorter strands of hair. Eventually, the growth cycle ceases altogether with no sprouting of new hair. However, the follicles still remain alive thereby leaving the possibility of growing new hair.

While the genetic causes have no side effects, the baldness can also stem from more serious reasons such as cancers, thyroid problems, medications, prolonged use of steroids and other health issues.

If hair loss what is the solutions for baldness?

Unless the cause is medical, there is obviously no need for any medication. However, treatment is available for individuals who are very conscious about their looks and feel under-confident with the loss of their hair. This, in fact, can even affect them psychologically and lead to very low self-esteem. 

Some of the possible remedies include:


Men with thinning hair can hide their impending baldness with a smart haircut or hairstyle. Modern hair stylists are trained with the necessary skill-sets to provide creative cuts that make the hair look fuller. 


Today, the market is flooded with wigs that can cover thin hair, receding hairlines and even complete baldness. Wigs with the right colour, texture and style can create a very natural look that is similar to original hair. 


Sometimes, a qualified medical practitioner might prescribe topical medicines that need to be applied on the scalp. In some cases, these medicines provide good results and produce new hair in men. However, one must be aware and careful about the side-effects of these medicines. 

Hair transplant surgery:

The eligibility of a hair transplant surgery is confirmed after an initial consultation with an expert in the field wherein the extent of the damage is assessed. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the most common procedures for hair transplantation. Discuss in detail with your surgeon the pros and cons of both the procedures, along with the costs involved. For example, FUE is more expensive and leaves no scars while FUT is cheaper but often leaves a scar. You should arrive at a final decision on the basis of your budget and the advice of the specially trained cosmetic surgeon.

For Hair transplant Quality meets Affordability.

Just like globally, India too has several state-of-the-art clinics today specialized for hair transplant. Kolkata, especially, has acquired the status of being a haven for hair transplant surgery in the country. With reputed clinics like Prem Laser Cosmetic Surgery Centre (PLCSC) which is run by the globally-renowned Dr. Maneesh Sonthalia and his team of medical experts, the treatment offered in the City of Joy is not only world-class but very affordable too. Every treatment at this clinic that is head-quartered in Kolkata is aimed at improving the health and well-being of its patients. 

It is to be borne in mind that the overall cost of hair grafting is dependent on the method of treatment, the clinic you choose and the expertise of the surgeon. However, it is imperative for you to get treated at renowned centres like PLCSC to ensure best results.

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