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India's Best Hair Transplant

What Exactly Is Hair Transplantation?

Hair Transplantation is the process of redistributing genetically resistant hair from the back and sides of the head to the balding areas, ensuring a seamless, subtle outcome. Owing to the many advancements in this area, the process is carried out using superior, modern technology and methods. Our modern facilities and advanced methods ensure a smooth and effective hair transplant process. Transplantation that is in vogue today is not only comfortable and painless for the patient, but it is also cost-effective.
Our commitment to superior technology and methods guarantees a hassle-free experience and a swift recovery for our patients. In just about two weeks, the transplant area seamlessly integrates, looking completely natural and leaving behind no visible linear scar. Witness transformative results that provide a new youthful appearance, a rejuvenated sense of self and a boost of self-confidence to the patient.
Androgenic Alopecia, a genetic condition leading to premature hair loss, affects nearly 50% of men and women. Characterized by a receding hairline and gradual hair fall from the crown and frontal scalp, this condition not only terrorises elders but also teens or people in their early 20's.
Our treatment ensures a permanent solution as the acquired hair post-transplantation remains a lifelong asset, which is not possible with any other form of treatment making our procedure the ONLY long-lasting cure for baldness and androgenic alopecia, providing confidence and relief. The permanency of our solutions sets us apart from the rest, and provides you only the best!
Choose confidence, choose permanence.

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Things to consider before a Hair Transplant.

What is Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is indeed considered a more reliable hair restoration procedure compared to other methods. In FUT, hair follicles are typically transplanted in groups of 1 to 3, known as follicular units, which consist of hair, follicle, fat, skin, sebaceous gland, and fine vellus hair. It's crucial for FUT to be performed by a team with qualified plastic and cosmetic surgeon for effective execution and optimal results.

Why FUT?

FUT offers several advantages in maximizing graft harvest, providing a natural appearance to hair line, minimizing downtime, reducing graft loss during harvesting and avoiding thermal denaturisation commonly associated with Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedures. Hence FUT gives a better result overall.The donor scar in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon is very very less.

What is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a method that is used regularly by dermatologists for hair transplantation. In this technique, the follicular units are extracted in naturally occurring groups of 1-4 from the donor site and transplanted into the recipient area. This procedure has been surpassed by techniques like FUT that are more reliable and less destructive. FUE is considered inferior by plastic surgeons as it causes a lot of wastage due to blind drilling and thermal denaturisation.

Advantages of FUT over FUE

FUT involves a thin linear scar compared to cobblestone scars at the back of the head in FUE.
Due to drilling in FUE, the follicles might be affected and destroyed. FUT does not require any drilling.
The number of follicles grafted in one sitting of FUT is much more than that in FUE, in fact it is more than double.

Frequently Asked Question

Most common questions regarding Hair Transplant

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It's important to address any concerns related to surgery, especially when considering hair transplant procedures.Proper administering of local anesthesia ensures a more comfortable experience during the hair transplant procedure. Our priority is to provide the best care and assistance to our patients, ensuring a painless process and facilitating full recovery. Two days of painkillers are good enough for painless post operative period.

These pre and post surgery precautions are essential for ensuring a smooth and successful hair transplant procedure: Avoiding alcohol, caffeine, smoking and tobacco for at least 7 days before surgery helps reduce potential complications. Washing your hair with a medicated shampoo before surgery helps maintain a clean surgical environment. Informing the doctor about any allergies or regular medications ensures proper care during surgery. Taking complete rest post-surgery and sleeping with your head elevated at a 45-degree angle for a few nights promotes healing and reduces swelling. Avoiding certain medications, aspirin-containing medicines, alcohol, and smoking for a few days after surgery aids in the healing process.We're committed to providing comprehensive assistance and support throughout your hair transplant journey.

Grafts are normally taken from back of the head/scalp or from beard area. And collecting hair follicles is not detrimental to health. It's reassuring to know that your hair grafting process begins with a thorough medical evaluation to determine the most suitable donor area. With a team of expert hair transplant surgeon and technicians, patients can trust in the delicate handling of the hair grafts during the transplant procedure.

Strip harvesting (FUT), known for its efficiency, is often preferred for minimising surgical duration. Typically, a hair transplant surgery lasts between 5 to 7 hours. FUE for the same number of grafts takes a much longer time.

Hair transplant is a relatively painless surgery.
As mentioned earlier, local anesthesia greatly reduces the pain during surgery. The post operative discomfort lasts for 1-2 days for which painkillers are given.

We evaluate your medical condition thoroughly and assess your lifestyle and previous medical records. We have a cardiologist at our clinic to check you medically. Date for surgery is fixed after that and you are informed about the pre-operative measures.

It's unfortunate that in some cases of hair transplant there are failures. They are often associated with choosing cheap and unregistered clinics lacking proper sterilization standards.
At PLCSC, our certified clinic maintains rigorous hygiene/sterilization protocols and employs a qualified plastic surgeon to head a team to ensure the highest standards of care. In the rare event of an infection, we provide effective medication that typically resolves the issue.

Thank you for highlighting the time frame and recovery process following the surgery. It's important for patients to plan for 5-7 hours for the surgery itself, followed by 1-2 days of complete rest and 3-5 days more for the surgical wounds to heal. Adhering to post-operative measures is crucial for achieving optimal results.

It's understandable to anticipate a positive transformation after a hair transplant procedure. With the receding hairline addressed and thicker hair restored, the outcome often leads to increased confidence and admiration from others. Many celebrities have indeed experienced impressive results, serving as inspiration for individuals seeking similar improvements. Typically, noticeable hair growth becomes visible within 3-4 month post-surgery, further enhancing satisfaction. The growth continues till 12 months.

It's important to note that while the scar from the surgery may take 2 to 3 weeks to heal, a successful hair transplant with proper donor site closure typically minimizes the visibility of the scar. A plastic surgeon uses trichophytic closure to minimize the donor site scar. Overall, the optimal results of the surgery are noticeable after 4 to 5 months and full growth is achieved in 10-12 months time.