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Hair Treatment in Kolkata during the pandemic

Effective hair treatment in Kolkata has become a necessity for the inhabitants of this city, specially during the lockdown blues. Adding to the strange facts about Covid-19, researchers have found that the virus can even cause temporary hair fall! According to a survey by Dr. Natalia Lambert representing the Indiana University School of Medicine, it was found that losing hair was among the top 25 symptoms experienced by those suffering from this infectious disease.

Although hair transplant surgery is a low level of surgical procedure, recent times has prompted unprecedented restrictions on clinics dealing with this niche area of expertise. So whether your hair problems merit a hair transplant surgery or not, at this point, what is essential is not to push the panic button and adapt to the “new normal”. 


Simple changes to your hair care routine during these challenging times can help you maintain healthy and lustrous hair. Several salons also offer niche hair treatment in Kolkata, however, these may become time consuming and not very cost-effective. Experts in this domain say that haircare now also involves reducing stress levels, sleeping well and paying heed to the nutritional requirements of the body. These can go a long way in even reducing uncontrollable hair fall in many cases. 

Some of the other suggestions, specific to this pandemic-ridden period, include:

It is advisable not to leave your hair open if you are stepping out or even when you are at your workplace. Covering it, preferably with a surgical cap, is recommended.

If you are stepping out, make sure to wash your hair with a mild shampoo and follow it up by using a conditioner as soon as you are home. This will enable you to keep the hair clean, reduce friction and maintain good hair health.

Try using a sulphate-free shampoo as it contains less chemical compounds and helps in retaining the natural moisture of the hair.

Minimize the usage of styling products like hair oil, hair gel, hair wax, hair colour and others at this stage since they attract more dust and grime.

Touching hair with hands is common. However, it should be avoided as much as possible, especially if you are out of your house. 

To be extra cautious, it is recommended that you use your own comb, hair pins and hair bands and not share it with others at this juncture.

Maintain a healthy diet, include the consumption of various green vegetables and fruits to get the necessary source of vitamins and nutrition. A balanced diet along with your hair care regime helps in building immunity during these unprecedented times.

Trust only reputed clinics

Obviously, safety is of paramount importance today. If at all you are plagued by uncontrollable hair fall and have to consult a surgeon, visit only the well-known clinics that are deemed as “Covid-protected facilities”. Top-of-the-line clinics like PLCSC have reopened their services after coming up with strong foundations for preventing and controlling the spread of the infection. The highly qualified medical team has worked diligently to come up with best practices in sync with health guidelines issued by the government to create a “safe environment” for all its patients. Practising strict social distancing and using appropriate PPE equipment, masks, proper disinfecting, and a high level of hygiene is the order of the day.

This reputed clinic is also employing comprehensive Covid-19 screening tools to ensure the safety of one and all. By adhering to all the suggested health protocols, the clinic continues to march on and help patients find surgical as well as non-surgical solutions to all their hair problems and provide time and cost effective hair treatment in Kolkata.